ABOUT (English / German)
ARTISTIC WORK (English / German)
BODYWORK (English)

DATES (English / German)
Sohn* werden (English / German)
Stierhunger (English / German) Sex und Kartoffeln (English / German) Dippel. Diagnose CIN III (English / German)
Foodporn (English / German)
FALLEN (durchgestrichen) 
(English / German)

D.D. Rabbit
(English / German)
An Bas Jan Ader
(English / German) On Friendship (English / German)
(English / German) Schatten (Eurydike sagt) (English / German)
Familienfest oder wie man einen Goldfisch schluckt
(English / German) Sterben Üben (English / German)
Von der Schlucht
(English / German)

Kollektiv Kunterbunt
(English / German)Schorf (English / German) uniform (English / German)
Am Abend ist Maidan ein lautes Wort
(English / German) out of season (English / German)
Portraits (English / German) Neighbourhood Game (English / German)
(English / German) Play, with Food (English / German) Escape Room (English / German) Intimite Talks (English / German) Dropbox (English / German)
out of season
by common like ivy


out of season is a concept album by the band common like ivy, which existed in 2014 for the duration of the album production of out of season. common like ivy had a live performance at the Domäne Marienburg of the University of Hildesheim as part of the project semester with the motto "waste". In 2015, after the band already dissolved, we, the members of common like ivy, released out of season on bandcamp.com and on YouTube. We never became fame.

Vocals, guitar, percussion: Stefan Kaminski
Vocals, cello: Anna Kirstine Linke
Vocals, guitar, percussion: Lukas Piel

Lyrics: Anna Kirstine Linke
Composition: Stefan Kaminski
Cover: Christian Lengert, Anna Kirstine Linke and Xiaole Zhang
Mastered by: Paul Sinkemat at the Folkwang University of the Arts 2014
With many thanks to: Brian Bell, Sophie Clayton, Fredo Sommer

out of season

Anna Kirstine Linke 2023
Author, Director, Performer, Bodyworker
Contact: annakirstinelinke (at) posteo (dot) de
Looking forward to your mail.