ABOUT (English / German)
ARTISTIC WORK (English / German)
BODYWORK (English)

DATES (English / German)
Sohn* werden (English / German)
Stierhunger (English / German) Sex und Kartoffeln (English / German) Dippel. Diagnose CIN III (English / German)
Foodporn (English / German)
FALLEN (durchgestrichen) 
(English / German)

D.D. Rabbit
(English / German)
An Bas Jan Ader
(English / German) On Friendship (English / German)
(English / German) Schatten (Eurydike sagt) (English / German)
Familienfest oder wie man einen Goldfisch schluckt
(English / German) Sterben Üben (English / German)
Von der Schlucht
(English / German)

Kollektiv Kunterbunt
(English / German)Schorf (English / German) uniform (English / German)
Am Abend ist Maidan ein lautes Wort
(English / German) out of season (English / German)
Portraits (English / German) Neighbourhood Game (English / German)
(English / German) Play, with Food (English / German) Escape Room (English / German) Intimite Talks (English / German) Dropbox (English / German)
also: Anna Kirstine Linke

Author, Director, Performer, Bodyworker

Foto: Victoria Tomaschko

I am an author, director, performer and bodyworker. 

Currently I work on eating disorders* as products of and protests against powerstructures, on decolonising bodies and sexualities, on sexism in medicine and on strategies to encounter queer- and trans*phobia.

My artistic practice is an ongoing rewriting of stories, memories and visions. My approach is autofictional, sometimes interview based and always in love with my and human vulnerability. Social microcosms such as families, friend- and partnerships draw my attention as focus points for social power dynamics and the possibility of change.

Since 2022 I give sessions in somatic bodywork following my fascination for bodies and somatics. Since 2018 I research with the psychologist Hannah Lesser on groups, power and salutogenesis.

Since 2017 I invent shapes for encounters for friends, neighbours and people who don’t know each other (yet). I like to make up games.

I identify as genderfluid and use the pronouns they/them/no pronouns.


Sohn* werden at Staatstheater Brunswick.

Stierhunger at Ballhaus Ost Berlin and at Lichthof Theater Hamburg. Supported by the Entry Grant of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion and the #TakeHeart program of the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART Kultur.

Work stipends for literature by Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion for writing my first novel as well as the Baby David-Stipendium für Neues Erzählen.

Dippel. Diagnose CIN III at Kosmos Theater Wien. Supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna (MA 7) and the Women's Service of the City of Vienna (MA 57). With the kind support of the Endometriosis Association Austria.

Sex und Kartoffeln at Theater Magdeburg.


Philosophy-Arts-Media, Universität Hildesheim, graduation about acting & embodiment
Directing, Hochschule für Musik und Theater (HfMT) Hamburg & Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK) Zürich, graduation with FALLEN (durchgestrichen) at Schauspiel Hannover, invited to Körber Studio Junge Regie, Thalia Theater 2022 and to OUT NOW Festival Bremen 2023. Theoretical work on working methods and communication in the performing arts
Scholarship by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Training in the Pantarei Approach, Somatic Bodywork, Berlin


Future Nostalgia: lecture performance in Edinburgh at the international conference: “1974-2024: Annie Ernaux’s Years – a Global Perspective”
Grantee of Culture Moves Europe for working in Marseille on rewriting and queering myths with Karin Schlageter
FALLEN (durchgestrichen): invited to OUT NOW Festival Bremen
Touch Me I’m Going To Scream: research on beatboxing and guttural singing as queerfeminist self-empowerment tools supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR
She*’s the Man*: residency at Ballhaus Ost Berlin about drag and non-binary body languages supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR
Foodporn: research and conceptual work supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK - STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUT. Support programme dance
Research for Stierhunger supported by the cultural funding of the Goethe-Institut
FALLEN (durchgestrichen): invited to Körber Studio Junge Regie, Thalia Theater Hamburg
Über Freund:innenschaft: invited to COMMON PLACES, Tage für Partizipation und Theater
52 HERTZ: invited to HAUPTSACHE FREI Festival, Hamburg
52 HERTZ: invited to 6 tage frei Festival, Stuttgart
Poesie der Bulimie: Research on bulimic images and conversations with other ex-bulimics supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR
Schatten (Eurydike sagt): invited to WE PRESENT at Lichthof Theatre Hamburg
Interdisciplinary Art Award Beethoven Reloaded for Beethoven’s Escape Room
Mentee of Nina Peters (Suhrkamp Theaterverlag): mentoring programme of the Performing Arts Programme Berlin (PAP)
Writers Residence with Familienfest oder wie man einen Goldfisch schluckt at Uckermark Festival
Das Haus: invited to Salzig On Stage, Thomas Bernhard Seminar
uniform: invited to WE PRESENT at Lichthof Theater Hamburg
am Abend ist Maidan ein lautes Wort: invited to Lyrikpreis München
Resideny at the international summer festival Kampnagel, Hamburg
Scholarship by Stiftung Niedersachsen: Literaturlabor Wolfenbüttel
ziehen Sie etwas an den Haaren herbei: Prize for literature by postpoetry Nachwuchs NRW
Portraits: invited to Lyrikpreis München and to Treffen junger Autor:innen Berlin
Anna Kirstine Linke 2023
Author, Director, Performer, Bodyworker
Contact: annakirstinelinke (at) posteo (dot) de
Looking forward to your mail.